Anti-Pandora VI

Anti-Pandora VI: An Action for the National Academy of Sciences, 2013


At approximately 7:10 pm, September 19, 2013 the artist stood in a darkened hallway of the Keck Center of the National Academy of Sciences, donning gloves, earrings, and back-pack generator, to emerge as Anti-Pandora. From a standing start Anti-Pandora made full-speed run down the hall, boots sounding on the stone floor. She charged into the meeting room and dashed across the stage space in front of the audience. Turning left down an aisle into the audience, she approached a woman in a middle row and halted. Offering her box to the woman, she asked, “Do you want my message?” “No” was the immediate response. Anti-Pandora made a split second scan for another recipient; receiving no signal she darted out the back door and disappeared without delivering a message.


This action occurred three days after a gunman invaded the Washington Navy Yard and killed twelve people. Given the heightened sensitivity of Washington area residents to surprise intruders, and contrary to her custom of refusing to explain the actions, the artist agreed to answer questions afterwards. The second question elicited a reading of the action as an image of missed opportunity.



DASER (DC Art Science Evening Rendezvous) on the theme of disasters, organized by J.D. Talasek at the Keck Center, National Academy of Sciences, 500 Fifth St., N.W., Washington, D.C.


• Back-pack generator capturing energy from locomotion to make electricity
• LED flashlight
• Silver peace-sign earrings (homage to Tony Labat)
• Black velvet opera gloves
• Anti-Pandora Box


• Back-pack fabrication: Dave Kreitz
• Back-pack based on research by Larry Rome
• Engineering consultant: Anwyl McDonald
• Photography:  Pamela Belknap