The maze is an architectural analog for the interaction between time and will. In life one must make choices without knowing exactly where they lead. So the structure itself and the decisions it demands of a viewer form the first layer of imagery. Once a viewer has entered Caerdroia, the physical act of threading the maze is enriched by imagery. In the first passage, there is a painting of a seed-pod-like form.
Proceeding through the seven rooms and seven passages, this image becomes physical, as a sculpture, then undergoes various transformations. Although Caerdroia is rife with darkness and cracking and uncertainty, it is structured so that glimpsed light and color draw one forward to explore.
Caerdroia (1984-1991), Exterior view of mixed media maze installation, 20′ x 20.’ Mazes were once found throughout the British Isles, perhaps inherited from the Romans and perhaps relics of more ancient people. A maze was often referred to as a “Troytown,” or, in Welsh, “Caerdroia.”